Phone Calls! Faxes! Forms! These are tasks that buyers and
vendors confront when it comes to sourcing and quoting for
products and services. Since most organizations still adhere
to the "minimum three quotes" rule, a labor intensive manual
buying process is often employed with phone and faxing being
the main mode of communication between buyers, procurement
professionals and vendors.
The ability to streamline purchasing, and strengthen
administrative control is the key to successful sourcing
and quoting. To successfully replace an old cumbersome system
with new technology, it will require:
SuperQUOTE™ is an open, web-based platform based on the
widely used RFP (Request For Proposal), RFQ (Request For
Quotation), RFI (Request For Information) and IFB/Competitive
Sealed Bids (Invitation for Bids) methodology. This
flexible form system allows buyers to create requests by
filling out an electronic form. Once the form is submitted,
vendors can reply with price quotes and product information
online without using any of the manual process that was
required before. It saves time on issuing, receiving and
awarding quotes, and it saves money on document preparation,
telecommunication and postage cost.
New Sealed Bid Module Now Available